Visit of Dr. Adela Kovács from Botoșani County Museum, Romania at our institute

From the 27th of January 2024 until the 24th of February, our Romanian cooperation partner Dr. Adela Kovács was our guest at the institute for Pre- and Protohistory. We were glad, to host her and to give back a bit of the hospitality, we are appreciating continuously on our visits in Romania.
A special moment for Adela was just at the beginning on her stay when she met again a lot of our students who she knew already from our campaigns in Romania. The students attended the colloquium on 1st of February in the archaeological colloquium. Here, Adela spoke about “The figurines from Cucuteni Culture and the ages of women”.
Adela liked our library where she found a lot of valuable books related to Neolithic and Copper Age from South-East Europe.
Together, we investigated the cities of Bamberg with the historical museum, Erlangen and Nuermberg with the “Germanisches Nationalmuseum” and we had the chance to climb on the Ehrenbürg, the rock needles of Tüchersfeld and the Tierpark Hundshaupten.
Adela’s stay is financially supported by the DFG as part of Carsten Mischka’s project about “Siedlungs- und Landschaftsarchäologie im Spätneolithikum und in der Kupferzeit in Ostrumänien“, where we got the funding of the travel costs for a three month stay of her. So, we are already planning her next visit at the FAU.